Wednesday, 30 May 2012


"we must be free not because we claim freedom, but because we practice it" .....William Faukner

The founders and propounders of democracy, in their wisdom defined the concept 'democracy' as government of the people, by the people and for the people, regrettably and unfortunately, in Nigeria, our success is in constant reverse, democracy has become a Government for the elite, by the elite and for the elite {middleclass no see anything, not to talk of the poor}, this is SAD!

To me, the only thing worthy of celebration yesterday, was the public holiday that was declared by the federal government, this gave me ample access to maximum sleep and relaxation, calming my nerves  for today's work. I love my country and i know every Nigerian does too, but the system is just not working , the only things working in Nigeria are read in Newspapers or watched on news channels, those of us way dey street, no dey see anything.

My naija people, una go help me for this matter because i intend to list SOME of the benefits way  our democracy don give us, abeg make una tell me if i lie;
  • Epileptic power supply
  • Accident prone roads in all parts of the country
  • High rate of unemployment for both the Educated and the Skilled
  • Death traps called healthcare delivery
  • Poor tertiary education as no higher institution in Nigeria is of international standard {God help us}
  • Corruption
  • Abandonment of projects
  • Insecurity of lives and properties
  • inability to access loans as young graduate from financial institutions e.t.c
please bear in mind, that these are just a few of the benefits of democracy that has accrued to us the masses since the inception of democracy in Nigeria {i tell una say our success na reverse e dey}.

Youths abeg enough is enough, the future of our beloved country is ours, the casual manner in which we let things be, is alarming and poses a threat to our bright future. We must be actively involved in the decisions and policies of government, we should have a say {not the one bougth with money oooohhhh}, we must ensure integrity and honesty amongst government officials, we should ask questions regarding the state of certain things in this country  { e.g  the subsidy probe, pension scam and all that}, just as Oluwa is involved in our lives, we need to be actively involved in happenings of this great country called NIGERIA!!!!!

Thank you & Happy Democracy day'


    Howdy peeps?
    Before i go into today's piece, i want first beg una, please make comments on my blog, for tis only then that i can know if am moving towards the rigth direction or not. While in church on sunday, the pastor said something that touched me, he said "most of our ways of life have become our weigths of life". you see, we youths have used our hands to bring the problems we have in our lives by ourselves and we blame the Devil {Thank God say Devil no dey talk, e for don deny many people}, my point is this, we have taken so many vital things for granted and this acts have one way or the other impacted negatively in our life, for instance, 'you cannot hang out with negative people and expect to live a positive life', you are only decieving yourself and the worst crime any man can do to his/her self is self deciet. Some people you have to love from a distance, hence when a particular individual's life style does not conform with the tenets you have set for yourself, dont hesitate to let them go 'your destiny is not tied to the people who walk away from you'.
    why stress yourself with that load you are carrying, it is unnecessary, you deserve nothing but the best, why settle for anything less. I dont know the load you are carrying, i would however like to be of help by giving some reccomendations as given by the man of God on sunday;
    1. Replace condemnation with confidence {why condem yourself, use your words to bless yourself}
    2. Replace indiscipline with discipline {the price of greatness is RESPONSIBILITY}
    3. Replace hate with love {when you show love, you are showing God to the world}
    4. Replace self centredness with selflessness.
    5. Replace sadness with JOY {if your conscience is clear, life is good}
    6. Replace fear with faith, and finally
    7. Report Goodnews about your yourself.
    whoever you are and where ever you are, just remember one thing "Happiness does not depend on your circumstance, its a choice that you make". Stay Blessed!!!


    Daddy God,
    thank you for the gift of life,
    strengthen me,
    help me to dwell on things that are pure, wholesome & are of good report,
    guide my footsteps and deliver me from temptation Oh LORD!

    Monday, 28 May 2012


    Do you know that Dbanj alias 'Oliver Twist' has been appointed manager of island Def jam Africa, and the Entertainer has assured all africans of a Grammy Africa. This guy seems to be doing well for himself!!!!
    Do you know that the koko master has also signed 'omo baba lowo' i.e Davido, rumor also has it that he was in Atlanta recently in Akon's residence to make a remix of Damiduro with the Popstar.... if its true then the young star has more coins coming into his account,,,, Oshe'!


    Every good thought you think is contributing its share to the ultimate result of your life
                                                                                                                                   …. Grenville Kleiser 

    The theme Genie-of-the-mind was gotten from Robert collier’s secret of the ages {a must read book for every youth}. The concept was gotten from the fiction ‘Alladin’, in that movie Alladin had a genie which brought all his wishes to reality, this is not in any way different from the mind, meaning the mind is capable of giving you all your heart desires, if only you would call upon it.

    The power to be what you want to be , to get what you desire, to accomplish; whatever you are striving for, abides within you. It rest with you only to bring it forth and put it to work
                                                                                                                                   ……  Robert Collier
    A perfect example of the manifestation of the mind is seen in every creation of man’s intellect, the device you are using to read this piece is a result of another man putting his mind to use, right from the stone ages to now, man has used his superior mind to provide shelter, clothing, weapons & machines of different types, for man without a reasoning mind would be like the monkeys. Most of us ignorant of the power of the mind have brought diseases, poverty, frustration and all that on ourselves by constantly having negative thoughts, for instance, when we are broke, instead of saying “how do I get out of this mess” we constantly say “I don’t have money” thereby sending negative thoughts to our mind, not knowing that such thoughts have power over our mind, body and emotions.

    Positive thoughts {joy, happiness, fulfillment, achievement, worthiness} have positive results {enthusiasm, calm, well-being, ease, energy, love}
    Negative thoughts {judgment, unworthiness, mistrust, resentment, fear} produce negative results {tension, anxiety, alienation, anger, fatigue}……. Peter Mcwilliams

    Simply put, it is what we think, that eventually comes to us, hence, we need not have all the wealth in the world to be happy, for the kingdom of heaven is within us, if only we would call upon the genie-of-the-mind to help us by thinking only about the things we desire. This could sound difficult to most of us who only harbor negative thoughts about ourselves, but the truth is “you can do it, if you put your mind into it”.


    Father please,
    Restore my soul,
    Make me wise,
    Give Joy to my heart,
    Enlighten my eyes,
    Bring purity, stability, authority, liberty and maturity into my life, &
    Keep me from deceitful ways and be gracious to me as I enter this week!

    Wednesday, 23 May 2012


    James Ibori as a case study


    Daddy God,
    make me an instrument of your peace,
    where there is hatred, let me show love;
    where there is injury, pardon;
    where there is doubt, faith;
    where there is despair, hope;
    where there is darkness, ligth, & 
    where there is sadness, joy!

    Tuesday, 22 May 2012



    it is often said that experience is the best teacher but why pass through the stress, when you can  learn from others, abi e be like say most of us no just like soft life,,,,,, provided below are words on marble that can shape a youths life;
    • the best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time.
          {we youths have the "now syndrome" inherent in us, the future that we dream & hope to get, starts   from the way we handle the today, what is yours is yours irrespective of the time it comes"patience is the greatest virtue a man can possess"}
    • never let good enough be good enough.
         {most of us are prematurely satisfied with temporary reward, hence, we lose the drive to push further after such little and meager success and  this only puts a limit to the great things we can achieve! }
    • you cant have great victories without having difficult battles.
            {a small battle can only bring small victories but the conquerors of great battles are remembered as heroes and legends}
    • dont spend your time trying to win over your critics, just run your race.
    {your destiny is not determined by others so why bother bout what they think or say, every one has his own race to run. run yours and leave them to run theirs, you cant tell if talking about you is their own race, so why interfere?}
    • people who get ahead in life, usually get there on time.
    {another reason why you should just run your race}
    • we attract what we continually think about.
          {all that is in this world, is fashioned from the mind,  if all you think about is suffering, sorrow and sickness, then  that is what would befall you, but if you think about wealth, success, happiness and good health, such are the things that would come to you}
    • everyone who's ever taken a shower, has an idea, it's the person who gets out of the shower, dries off and does something about it, that makes a difference. 
       {there's a clearly a difference between a farmer who just keep seeds in his barn without planting and that who sows all the seeds in his barn,,, be wise!}
    • when a man blames others for his failures, it's a good idea to credit others with his successes.
          {the price to greatness is responsibility}
    • i treat all problems as opportunities to grow in wisdom & love.
    {weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning}
    • just trust yourself, then you would know how to live.
              {it's all about you}

    some one migth say, "these wise sayings dont make any impact in a man's life", but i say to you "failure is not the worst thing in the world,the very worst thing is not to try".
    may we not be mere readers, but also doers!!!!
    Do have a great day!!!


    God, give us Grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed,
    courage to change the things which should be changed, &
    wisdom to distinguish the one from the other!!!!

    Monday, 21 May 2012


    There is a saying that “a friend in need, is a friend in deed”, how then can we call the Nigerian police our friend when to them “a friend in need, is a friend to suck high and dry”. The duties of a police officer as enshrined in section (4) Police Act, entails
    •         Prevention and detection of crime 
    • Apprehension of offenders
    • ·       The preservation of law and order
    • ·       The protection of life and property, &
    • ·       The DUE enforcement of all laws and regulations with which they are directly charged.
    The law in its wisdom went further to state the standard of conduct as well as attributes meant to be inherent in a police officer, which, If followed strictly would make Nigeria a better place to live in.
    Section (340) Nigeria Police Regulations further state;
    A police officer is required to develop the attributes of
    • ·       Efficiency and thoroughness, meticulous attention to details in the performance of his/her duties.
    • ·       Courtesy, forbearance and helpfulness in his/her dealings with members of the public.
    • ·     integrity, in refusing to allow religious, racial, political or personal feelings, or other considerations to influence him in the execution of his/her duties.
    • ·       Impartiality in the avoidance of feelings of vindictiveness or the showing of vindictiveness towards offenders.
    • ·       Strict truthfulness in his/her handling of investigations and in the giving of evidence.
    From the above, a keen and observant reader would clearly see that it is the intent of the laws of the land, that not only should the police protect our lives and properties, but also, that such duties should be performed in a very courteous and mannerful way, these provisions of the law portray a picture of a police that can be trusted 100% by its citizenry, this however, is not the case in Nigeria.
    Nigeria being a country that does her things upside down, also has in addition, a police force that works completely opposite from what is provided for in its regulations. Bearing this in mind, let’s take ’bail’ as a point of focus.
    Bail by definition is the procedure by which a person arrested for an offense is released on security being taken for his appearance on a particular day and place. Bail is a right and not a favour or privilege, hence, it should not be denied anyone in police custody that demands it. No doubt the police possess constitutional right to detain anybody, against whom they have reasonable suspicion over a crime while investigation is still in progress, what is worthy of discuss however, Is the attitude and behaviours of our police officers when a suspect has crossed the counter in our various police stations spread across the country. My heart goes out to citizens of this beloved country who have found themselves in this bizarre situation without the aid or assistance of a lawyer, reason being that, our police officers have turned bail into a money making machine.
    The police has no discretion as to whether or not to grant a person in custody bail unless the offence committed is a serious one{e.g treason, murder, Armed robbery e.t.c}, bail must be granted free as it is a right and so does not carry a fee or gratification, but alas, the reverse happens to always be the case!
    Let us not forget that ‘bail’ is just one of the many ways that the police have contributed immensely to the under development of this great country of ours. One might be forced to ask “how then do we correct these anomalies?”, to be honest, as i write this piece, am also dumbfounded as to solutions to proffer for the unholy behaviour of our police officers has already eaten deep into the system.
    The only suggestion i can think of right now, is a complete over hauling and re-orientation of the Nigerian police, meaning, a police officer should be sound upstairs to be able to read and write without difficulty or if not good enough, at least should be able to understand the tenets and etiquettes guiding his profession, then maybe and only maybe, would we be able to call police our friend.

    my days with S.A.F.A.A

    not my fault!!!

    vampires taking it to the next level in technology!!!!


    Youth obey the clarion call
    Let us lift our nation high
    Under the sun or in the rain
    With dedication and selflessness
    Nigeria is ours, Nigeria we serve.
                                                        .... NYSC Anthem!
    The National Youth Service Corp is a scheme created with the intent of integrating into young graduates of various universities core values like patriotism, commitment, integrity, team work & efficiency. Now, after all the burning of candles in our dilapidated campuses, drinking too much garri to kill hunger, after spending four, five or more years being intimidated by the lifestyle of the rich, after passing through the vindictive and rigorous lectures, setting of exams and marking schemes of our lecturers, after all these, NYSC has become the only succour for us, at least even if na only to chop from the national cake, no wahala!
    It is trite, that the younger generation are the future of any nation and such future is only guaranteed when much of the youth force are educated. In my humble opinion, the asset of any country lies in the education of the young. Now we don go school finish amidst all the hardship, not forgetting that our fathers had it better during their days, thinking that after school e go better, at least even if na job person fit get, e no spoil but na lie!. The same people who had it better during their youthful days are the ones now in control of the resources and still, they have refused us little.
    We don obey clarion call, under sun and inside rain, with high cost of living, no light to chill, transportation of the hook, yet no money for pocket. How then do they expect us to survive, not to talk of catching fun or even tripping your girl? Na wa oooh!!!!!! Abeg this na my clarion call to NYSC “abeg pay us our allowee for it is important that we are still alive when the money is paid”!

    all is well!!!!!!


    Please bear in mind as you read this piece that man can only strive towards excellence and not perfection, now the current economic woes of the country has made it impossible for some of us willing to give, incapable of giving. There are however those who just don’t give, be it for religious, superstitious or personal reasons. It is my believe that someone would have a change in heart for the better.
    Giving, in this context should not be mistaken for cash only, i hear someone say but ‘money is everything’,   yes! money gets you everything, giving however, is not limited to money.  Doing what you are meant to do with all due diligence would give you the money you deserve, for instance, giving your boss the satisfaction he desires through service, would make him pay your allowances {though there are a few bosses who wouldn’t still pay irrespective}. I use the word diligent because most of us are not ready to do what is required of us and yet we want reward. Do you know that you can give your friends encouragement by the attitude you express when you guys/gals relate with each other, likewise, you can give your parents Joy by becoming something close to the dream they have for you. The only right is to use all the forces of good and the only wrong is to neglect or abuse it.
    As clearly enumerated above, giving is not restricted to money alone, why then should we give?
    ü If you want to make more money, instead of seeking it for yourself, see how you can make more for others. In the process you will inevitably make more for yourself, too. We get as we give- but we must give first.... Robert Collier.
    ü If i give to anybody service of a kind that he wants, i shall get back the benefit for myself. If i give more service, i shall get more benefit. If i give a great deal more, i shall get a great deal more.....  Gardner Hunting

    A man gets back what he gives out, only multiplied, giving gives you a blank check to the necessities of life and if you want more, “you must use that which you have in such a way as to make yourself of greater service to those around you”, thus, the wider you open your channel or the greater service you give or the better values you offer, the more things are bound to flow through your channel, the more you are going to profit thereby.
    There are two kinds of people on earth today’
    Just two kinds of people, no more, i say.
    Not the rich and the poor, for to count a man’s wealth
    You must first know the state of his conscience and health.
    No, the two kinds people on earth i mean
    Are the people who LIFT and the people who LEAN!
    Where ever you go, you will find the world’s masses
    Are ever divided in just these two classes
                                           .... Ella Wheeler wilcox
     So choose which you want to become, give it a try this week & see, it could just be a smile that you decide to give {let it be a real smile sha!} and you would be surprised the benefits that shall accrue unto you.