To my baby lawyers in law school, the time has come when all your understanding of the law derived through lectures, tutorials, midnight reading et al would be put to a test, it is often said, 'examminations are not the true test of knowledge', please donot be decieved, Bar finals {part 2} is really going to test your knowledge.
At this stage, a serious student is one who is through with his first reading and is testing his weakness by answering past questions and answers, but as a lawyer cannot finish reading, you must still continue to read.
This is the time to be at your best frame of mind, meaning, whatever it is you do that relieves stress and pressure, keeps you calm and makes you happy, do it. If it is sleep, sleep well, if it is women, feel free, if it is Prayer, pray hard, if it is alcohol {not adviseable} drink well. Donot be afraid, likewise donot be over confident, pay no attention to rumors but deligently keep studying your books.
Bar finals is a tough exam, no doubt, but people with one head like yourself have made first class, thus, you can also be part of them, aim for the best and leave the rest to God.
I wish you all the best and can't wait to welcome those who would be chosen to be members of the Prestigous Bar. Read hard, Pray hard and Play hard, that is the secret!
Goodluck to you...
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