Thursday, 30 August 2012


Why do we need goals?
·         Without goals, we will drift aimlessly through life.
·         If you set your goals properly and genuinely work towards them, there is nothing you cannot achieve.
Are you at risk of wasting your life without a goal?
·         Without a goal, there is no plan, where there is no plan, nothing is done.

Goal setting as a means of self improvement;
·         Goal setting allows us to break a really complex task down into small components that are easier to follow, more detailed and less over whelming.
·         Goal setting provides us with constant motivation.
Goal setting tips that will change your life;
1.  Where are you going?

  •   If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll probably end up somewhere else.

2.  Get specific about the things you want.

3.It’s in the want to; you’ll find the how to.

  •   The best way to predict your future is to create it.

Just the exercise of putting these goals on paper is a great step towards having a happier and more fulfilling life.

How to achieve your goals;
1.       Study the target.
2.       Make a plan.
3.       Talk with someone you trust and listen to what they have to say.
4.       Commit to your plan
5.       Learn to be flexible using a little bit of mindfulness.

There is always more than one way to achieve GOALS of any kind.

{Source; Graham Dragon’s Achieving your goals,}

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for providing such useful information. Hope to get some more information in future also.
